Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The artist in all of us

“Art is not only for the few who develop a talent or master a medium. We all can use various art forms to facilitate self expression and personal growth.”  Natalie Rogers, Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy by Gerald Corey

Thank you Natalie Rogers for that reassurance! A few people recently have asked me why I decided to start blogging. Blogging is a way of self expression, an artwork... I have always kept a prayer journal, this journal is similar, but electronic and public.  N. Rogers has encountered many people with sad stories about how they no longer feel as though they are contributors to the art world. Perhaps they were coloring a picture in grade school and the teacher told them they were using the wrong colors, or coloring outside the lines. Our education system, whether you like it or not, pushes conformity. It is desired that all of the students to do the exact same thing and travel down the exact same paths and color in all of the same lines. There are many problems with this, but mainly we are squashing any hopes of creativity. 

If we want our future to be creative souls then we need to accept them for whatever color they may choose to be their favorite. Right now, my daughter, Claire's favorite color is Brown. However, this color changes daily.
She is getting to the age (approaching 3 in May) where she desires to be just like me and wants to marry her daddy. (my favorite color is not brown, but she doesn't know that yet). This is totally normal! Of course, I am getting a little nervous that I am going to cause her to forget who she is and become who I want her to become. She will ask me everyday when she is getting dressed "Mom, are you wearing your boots today?" "Yes, Claire I am wearing my boots today." "OK, then I want to wear my boots too." or if she gets to choose an M&M, a treat for using the restroom (she doesn't need this potty training reinforcement but we both really like peanut butter M&M's so we still eat one.. anyway, she will ask me, "Mom, did you choose the yellow M&M?" "I haven't picked mine yet, you pick first." "OK, but I want you to pick the Yellow one like me." "OK, I will."
You see where this is going? This is my daily conversation, with everything. You name it, she wants to make sure that I approve, agree, comply and that I am also going to be enjoying what she is enjoying and visa-versa. 

Claire colored this picture and I labeled each person for her. 

Did I tell all of you about the time I asked Claire what her favorite thing to do was? If I did, sorry for the repeat, but when I asked her, she answered that she loved playing outside with her best friend Bobbi. I asked her what her next favorite thing to do was and she said "Poop and Pee!" and then we both laughed all the way home from school! However, the other day she asked me what my favorite things to do are and I answered that I loved snuggling on the couch with her and reading stories. You guessed it, I asked her yesterday what her favorite thing to do is and she answered "read." She has actually always been a lover of written words, just like her mom and dad : ) but I hope she still loves playing outside with Bobbi and of course going to the bathroom works too, I will accept her even if I don't agree, ha ha.

So what are some other art forms that I use for self expression and personal growth, besides writing? I run, attend spin classes and boot camp style/cross fit classes... I'm not super fast, and I am not in the Olympics, but exercise is a release for me, a way of letting go of the troubles through my days, a therapy of sorts. I don't have to be "good at it" like I would have to be if I were to join perhaps a soccer or dance team. For all of you that know about how uncoordinated I am, don't worry I won't be joining any teams. 
 I am excited to grow with Claire on her journey, explore her artistic nature, help her find her ways of self expression and personal growth. I am excited to see how she glorifies God with her life.

So, let me conclude with this question: Were your artistic abilities squashed? What happened? How are you creative today? How do you express yourself? What helps you in your journey of self exploration?

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