Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Table Re Vamped!

I bought a "Kitchen Table" at a local thrift store for $40. I knew it was exactly what I was looking for and dreaming of as my scrapbook table. Ask my husband and he will tell you my least favorite thing in the house is the woodgrain in EVERYTHING we own. I like colors, I like pops, I like feelings, I like something different! So what did I do? I went on Pinterest and found a paint that can cover anything without sanding (because I am not THAT adventurous). So I bought this at Walmart..
First I painted the table with this lovely white primer. I let it dry overnight. Then I painted it with Peacock Blue! A lovely choice if I do say so myself. I love it! It has character.
Then I placed it in my guest room that I organized all day! I was so happy to go through everything I have scrapbook/photo/memory wise and put it all in one place! Ever binder, picture, book and box has a purpose and a place and I couldn't be happier.