Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer Adventures 2014, Part 1 OneRepublic Concert

The very first day of my Summer Vacation was not even the very first day, it was actually the eve of my Summer Vacation. I purposefully scheduled a concert in my summer itinerary for the last day of school.
I can tell you right now this was the best decision ever. I didn't have to wish away any of my summer days to see my favorite band, but I did have to be patient during our morning awards assembly on the last day of school.
I was able to get through the morning teaching without many tears, because I was just so excited about the concert. I say without MANY tears, because of course I always shed a couple of tears at the end of the year, as my students are so special to me.  I gave them a 2 minute speech before the left for the end of the school year about how it was such an honor and privilege for me to be their teacher. I cleaned my classroom of any items I needed to bring home for the summer, turned in my keys, dropped off some games and (necessary items that I won't mention), chatted for 2 minutes and drove home.
The concert was about 4 hours away and by the time I got home it was close to 2PM.  My husband was home already packed up with our bags and tickets and hotel information. We met my mom at Claire's school, handed off bags of clothes, carseat, hugs and kisses and we were off!
We drove listening to "The Fault in Our Stars" on Audible, talking about Summer adventures and the concert venue. We went to the Shoreline Amphitheater, and neither of us had been there before, so this was quite an adventure for us both. We checked into our hotel, which was quite pretty, but had a ton of older ladies standing out front in glitter jumpsuits. I wondered if they were going to see OneRepublic also, but it just didn't seem right.
We hopped back on the freeway, turned on the GPS, 3 miles away, but it said 25 minutes, which I thought was strange. ... Until we came to the offramp we needed and we were at a complete stop, inched forward, stop, go, stop, go... suddenly the GPS changed its mind and said 40 minutes, then a little while later it said 12, I decided not to trust the GPS and its minute trickery.
We made it to Shoreline with plenty of time to spare.
American Authors were on stage singing about the best day of their lives.

I had to admit this had to be one of mine.

 Claire LOVES that song, so I told Chase, "Claire would have loved this!" He agreed, but later we decided bringing small children to this event would have been a terrible idea. First of all there were so many people she may have been trampled. Secondly we didn't arrive back to our hotel until WAY past her bedtime. So it was a good thing she stayed the night with my Mom.
The Script was amazing. They asked the audience if they had any terrible ex boyfriends and several were cheering and waving their hands around. They ended up taking a girl's cell phone, calling her ex boyfriend, whom had a very unfortunate name (I can't remember the name but it was something unfortunate). The lead singer sang into the phone and at the end told the girl she must have really not liked that guy, to which she agreed. However, I was thinking, if The Script called and sang to me, no matter the song I wouldn't be offended one bit!
The sun had set and the giant amphitheater went completely dark. The stage lit up, but OneRepublic was behind a curtain, we could only see shadows. Of course they sang "Light it up," due to the darkness and flames and all.

It was awesome.  Some concerts I've been to the singers sing and I think, THAT is not how they should sound, but this concert was not like that. They sounded EVEN better than on the radio.

I can't even pick a favorite song, because I love all of their songs. So here's just a very good one, but I would highly suggest just listening to all of their music.

The next morning we drove home and on the way we stopped at Casa De Fruta, one of my most favorite places.

Funny, because it is just a rest stop area, but I feel at peace when we go there, everything seems how it should be and there are so many fun things to do, like a train to ride, carousel and wine to taste (the best part obviously!).... We came home, my mom brought Claire by, we washed some laundry and started to pack for the next adventure which was to come a mere 36 hours later.... DISNEYLAND with a four year old and two extremely excited parents that are pretty fond of seeing their girl's eyes light up. I will write about Disneyland next..

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Some of my most favorite outlets are running, listening to music, writing in my journal, and writing poetry.

 I enjoy sharing this passion of poetry writing with my students. First with my junior high kids. I could share some really deep words.  Since I was teaching at a Christian Private school we spent quite a bit of our Bible time studying Proverbs (a lot of really good advice there!) and Psalms. With my 3rd grade students I spent much more time helping them comprehend the figurative language and meanings in poetry, as well as making poems into songs for memorization, but my favorite part was sharing my passion for writing poetry with my students and reading their words. Let me just say if they continue writing with that much passion we will truly be entertained and intellectually inspired.  Some of the poems I read at the hand of 8 year old students were so intense I had to re read them a few times and take a few breathes.

These kids have feelings, emotions and sensitivity that many times we overlook as adults, myself included.

A favorite poem of ours to write was the concrete, in which we would write about an object in the shape of the object. Here's my example I'm trying my best with spacing and shape.

                        Swing   sets are so   exciting my   heart races
                    As.           The.               Swing.              Goes
                   Up.           Then.            Down.                  Flying
                 High.          Over.              Every.                 Thing
                Look.           Ing.                 Past                    And
              Above           All Fences trees and                Fields.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Popcorn for days...

Who doesn't love going to the movies, especially during the summer!? And the smell of that salty, buttery, delicious snack...popcorn.
So who was luckier than me, the end of my senior year I was hired as a concession worker at The Movies. The manager, Mr. Dawson, and I are actually still friends! Our girls went to the same daycare and now preschool.
The Movies:  That was the name, we had to answer the phone like this..."Thank you for calling Cinemark, The Movies, the best seat in town, how may I help you?"
The problem with this lovely sounding address to callers was that our seats were the absolute worst.  I'm not kidding. No matter what seat you sat in they squeeked, smelled, were itchy and sometimes customers fell out of them.  This could be a problem.
I spent my first several months scrubbing kettles, cleaning butter pumps, upselling CocaCola products, slinging candy bars and pickles. And on Thursday nights I would stay late with the crew after closing time to preview the next week's movies. Usually getting home around 3 am.
Then in the Fall, I went on to Harding, a Christian college in Arkansas, for school. My first year there was amazing and sad at the same time. I had a boyfriend from my hometown that went with me, he was actually a year ahead. The most annoying part was everyone said I followed him there, but in reality I had been accepted to Harding before that guy even had ever heard of the place. He ended up being an ex boyfriend. I don't need to say much more about him, but I can say after I broke up with him he tried to make my life  at Harding very difficult... anyway.
Every break I would return to the theater at home and everything fell into its natural routine.  The summer after my first year at Harding we had a new Manager at The Movies, Mr. Walker. He asked if I had thought of being an assistant manager, I explained my leaving for college, he said no problem, and the training began. I loved it! I got to count money, thread movies in the projector, and no more scrubbing the kettle(except that one time someone didn't show up and I closed concession.) I went back to school and I missed our Thursday nights. We counted all inventory, bags, cups, candy, jalapeƱos, pickles, and bottled water. Remember Thursday night is the time we stayed up late to preview the upcoming shows.  So what was a lonely, heartbroken, single girl to do on a  Thursday night thousands of miles from home!? You know I called down to the theater and talked to the other managers every Thursday, interrupting their count and catching up on the gossip and movie theater.   Then, one Thursday Mr Walker explained he was being transferred closer to his home, some many states away, and the new manager was a lady, but she didn't last long and I only worked with her on one break. Then she was replaced by Mr. Phillips, my last manager at The Movies.
I went back to The Movies, the summer of 2005, as I always had. The difference was I had decided not to return to Harding, my boyfriend at the time (now Husband) was here at home and I decided to transfer to Fresno State, easy right?  No. Since I had been out of state several of my courses didn't transfer so I actually attended a junior college for a while, once I had my associate degree transferring was much easier.  In the midst of all of this change, December 2005, The Movies was closing. The owner of the building wanted to increase the rent and corporate was like no way that place doesn't even make enough money for all that. So corporate closed us down. The funny thing is that greedy building owner ended up with no one paying him rent at that location, ever again.  You can still drive by the old theater, vacant and boarded up all these years later.
A building full of memories,
The last night we had to send Cinemark any of their property so we were working on tearing it all down, boxing it up, and then one of the other managers pulled out the cards and we played Texas hold 'em, my first and last time playing, (until a few months ago at a charity event, in which I was pretty good, I guess I'm a good bluffer and make smart bets, but then I got up to the big table and I was in over my head so I went all in and lost it all, but that's another story).  That guy Conrad, is still my friend today, great man with a lovely wife and beautiful adopted children. He and his wife even came to my wedding, 2 years after the theater closed down.

I miss the old crew, the seemingly Simple days, and being 21.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Writing again.

I have kept a written journal beside my bed since I was 11.  I know this for a fact, because I wrote about my 5tn grade teacher in it. I was very disappointed in 5th grade.  My favorite teacher was my 4th grade teacher. He was a scientist, he spent time with us and he's one of the reasons I teach today. What Happened?! Well, I'm here to tell you. He was moved from 4th to 5th grade right along with me, however I was not chosen to be in his class again. It was the disappointment of a lifetime... I really feel bad for my 5th grade teacher, it wasn't her fault she wasn't him, but those were some high expectations to live up to. 
I wonder about Mr. Reiss often, I heard the next year he went to work at a zoo. This seemed appropriate as he liked animals, we had 2 classroom pet snakes and if you were lucky you could go in at lunch sometimes and watch the snakes eat the mice. I hope he likes the Zoo. I sure am glad he was my teacher. 
I hope to be a teacher like him. Not That I am going to buy snakes, we already have a tortious so I'm good, but I want to be caring and considerate to my students and help them feel valued and important. 
So, I've kept a journal for years beside my table. I think I will start journaling here sometimes instead. Not that I think everyone needs to know my feelings and all, but I think this will be fun. We shall see.